Oil - Livestream
Where Music, Spirit and Community Meet
First Livestream Thursday Sept. 26th at 6pm-ish (Pacific) on Facebook Live
Hey kiddos… So, I’m writing to tell you about a, well, I’m not sure what it is… Jerry Joseph’s brain (that’s simply spooky at best)… a show... stream, who knows where it goes… that I’m launching... with my friend Hazel (mystery person). The idea: is, not unlike Happy Book... it’s a weekly episode (and theoretically more than weekly… or less)… I plan on playing songs... leaning on the more spiritual side of my songwriting and covers… but... in a broader picture … this quickly includes guest musicians, conversations with you... yes you… maybe taking questions, maybe just ranting, hopefully interviewing my weird life’s friends and characters (endless content and definitely not limited to music)… the idea being: we start very very small, tho I have access to alot of the proper tech… I’d prefer to start on a phone camera … and let it build... during Happy Book… I was never watching comments… Hazel will be monitoring the feedback and maybe, it can turn into a real time conversation... requests, complaints... whatever… As obviously, during Covid... it was easy to stick to a weekly schedule...
For now… with my normal travel and family life… that seems pretty hard to pull off… any given Thursday for instance, I could be in Asheville or Madrid (in these cases, the ability to do pop up broadcasts is crucial) or the kids have a basketball/volleyball/dance/drama performance/game etc... and the reason I’m doing this… is to be home more... while trying to figure out how to make a living…
In keeping with Happy Book... we want this to be free to everyone… and rely on donations... paypal/venmo etc… Happy Book was outstanding as far as revenue… but again it was covid… this is testing the water in a non covid world, keeping monetary expectations… low. For now… we are going with FB live… as I know the platform, if it turns into more of a podcast... then who knows… youtube... wherever... all while Hazel is cutting it all up for Tik Tok, IG… etc. All of you who know me... know my political discourse can be eviscerating and controversial… and to be clear… in this particularly crucial moment in American history… that voice should come back… however... I’m more interested in a dialogue about loneliness, fear, disconnection… and how to fill those holes... with love, music, spirituality… I dunno… recipes… Maybe it ends up a hundred of us… maybe it grows way beyond that… all I know is I’ve been practically paralyzed… and if I don’t jump in the pool now… it’s gonna freeze over and I suck at ice skating... again starting small... but soon… the idea is you sign up for notifications… and I try and give a 48 hour notice… on, for instance, I’m in Oaxaca! and going live with local musicians or join me for my Colonoscopy! Or, we’re headed down to the oath keepers rally with baseball bats! Endless fun!!!
Anyway… we are going to launch $&@$&$&&$&& this week… working title Oil (what I wanted to name my last three bands) working theme song: Tom Waits/Come On Up To The House… And the primary working concept is connection… with you… and hoping you all have a million ideas.
Ok… this could be a shit show of failure… or… forgoing substack or Snapchat (clearly we’d go for a TED talk)… This feels immediate... I was talking to Charlie about, had we had this together for NOMAD and Iraq... we’d have a thousand kids from Kurdistan/Syria etc… and… I’m getting old… the music business is… a little weird for my demographic…
I’ll be in London all November… And would like to see our whole community involved. also including the whole Happy Book crew, perhaps some Happy Oil shows… endless options very much hoping you can tune in…