The New Conscious Contact Newsletter (Edition No. 1)

Hey hey Kiddos… Welcome to the newsletter…

The past few years the newsletter has been sent out by my friends and web magic guy Adam... The idea now is that I start actually writing the damn things myself, throw it to the editing/grammar gods who throw it to Adam and (yep) he throws it to you.

This is part of a new social media approach for/by me. Shortly, I’ll be starting a series of short pieces about various songs from my 30+ record back catalog. In Europe & the UK most people have no idea I have this extensive of a catalog. And if I do say so myself (it’s my newsletter so I can say so myself), there’s a ton of cool material that needs to land in new ears. With this idea, I’ll start writing about stuff I like... at least music at first... with various posts accompanied by my original photos (to prime you for my forthcoming photo book).

The concept... is the posts go to IG, FB and still deciding whether to sleep with the devil (X) or some other platform where I can get back in the interactive game... (Primarily doing battle with MAGA potatoes and arguing about not canceling art (it’s a lot of fun providing you’re not the potato)) on a weekly basis at least... with the idea of dropping interesting stuff all over! ... also ... the new JJ social media wizard Anthony (of the valley) will help me launch my TikTok page (there's endless material) and rework my YouTube page (getting all the Happy Books in one place for starters). 

All of this connected (were applicable) to my Spotify (have you heard my Spotify playlist? It’s cool and it’s 18 hours and you just press play and all the anxiety of what to listen to is handled for you) also... We (Anthony, Adam and Carison) will be pushing a new BandCamp site with the plan to drop lots of cool new stuff…  holy fuck me…… that’s exhausting to write.  So to be in the loop, sign up, get your friends to sign up, random people you meet in the street, tube, laundromat? Sign ‘em up! The point is to start connecting the large but scattered community of JJ, JJJ, Happy Book and Nomad fans…

Fear not! We won’t be forgetting that main point of newsletters… to push the shows! 

Dec 5 myself and my good friend Casey Neill are playing London, at The Water Rats .. for both of our record releases ..  Casey’s record Throwing Up Flares and mine Baby You’re The Man Who Would Be King are out now .. and tho it may be unseemly, I’m literally Fucking begging you to attend (as in, I’d like to play in the UK a lot.. and that rides on your beautiful selfs being at the show!

London, UK
Tuesday 5th December, 2023  

We are also playing Brighton and Winchester, both very cool venues.

Winchester, UK
Thursday 7th December, 2023  

Brighton, UK
Friday 8th December, 2023

Also… a year ago I brought my friends The Dimpker Brothers over here to the west coast for a Xmas tour… it was some of the most beautiful music I’ve ever been part of. So before London, I head to Sweden for 2 shows and to spend a few days writing for our tentatively titled Grand Junction project…  pretty exciting…


Oskarshamn, Sweden - Friday 1st December, 2023 Clarion Collection Hotel Post

Stockholm, Sweden - Saturday 2nd December, 2023 Vassa Eggen

Lastly, don’t forget the Jackmormons New Years Eve run!


Thursday Dec 28th, 2023 @ Dante’s  ::  TICKETS

Friday Dec 29th, 2023 @ Dante’s  ::  TICKETS

Saturday Dec 30th, 2023 @ Star Theater  ::  TICKETS

NYE Sunday Dec 31st, 2023 @ The Showdown  ::  TICKETS

4-DAY PASSES (Limited Available)  ::  4-DAY PASS

Ok… Is this too long? Nah… it’s all crucial stuff right? I’ve always been hesitant to write newsletters as I’ve been good with just mainlining the info… but shit feels different these days... people are edgy and sad and scared ...( I know I am )… and being of the opinion that my fans are generally amazing loving people. I think it’s prudent to work hard on connection… and sure, it would be grand to find a couple thousand more of you… I was with a priest friend today, talking about all the darkness and ways to let in a little more light... Maybe there’s a reason you are reading this... beyond the fact that some Jerry Joseph fan accosted you in a launderette and demanded you sign up. Some chance this particular missive lands on social media... So if you FBers or IGers read this, by all means hit the “Sign Me Up” button …  I could use the friends… Ok. I love you, god loves you... Adam is on the fence…   Chat soon. Kisses.   J 


Conscious Contact Special Edition - Best Releases of 2023